Friday, August 7, 2009

Mother Earth News: Benchmark Glaciers Shrinking Faster

Here's more bad news for our Mother Earth.

I've read in this report that three major glaciers from the northwest are shrinking more rapidly. This does not augur well for mother earth and all of us as sea levels will continue to rise and threaten more the availability of fresh drinking water.

Mother Earth News: Benchmark Glaciers Shrinking FasterImage taken from here.

The three rapidly shrinking benchmark glaciers cited in the report are South Cascade Glacier in Washington state , the Wolverine Glacier on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula and the Gulkana Glacier in interior Alaska.

Scientist have long acknowledge that global warming has made glaciers all over the world to shrink. These recent findings shows that the rate of shrinking has gone faster in the last 15 years. Some glaciers have even already disappeared.

This news is more evidence of the sad predicament of our mother Earth. Soon, we would have no fresh water to enjoy


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